Nyc Teachers Contract 2018

The long-awaited New York City teachers’ contract for 2018 has finally been approved, after a two-year period of negotiations. The agreement, which covers more than 120,000 teachers, principals, and other school employees, promises a boost in pay and benefits, along with several other important concessions.

One of the key changes in the new contract is the salary increase. Teachers and other school staff will receive a 2% increase retroactive to November 2018, and another 2.5% increase from May 2019. This is a significant increase from the previous contract, which only offered a 2% raise over a five-year period.

The new contract also includes several other benefits for teachers, including a reduction in paperwork and more time for professional development. It also addresses complaints about excessive testing by reducing the number of tests required for students.

Perhaps the most notable change in the new teachers’ contract is the provision for paid parental leave. Teachers will now be eligible for up to six weeks of paid leave when they have a child or adopt a child. This move brings New York City in line with other cities and states that have already introduced paid parental leave, helping teachers to balance their work and family responsibilities.

The new contract also includes several provisions related to teacher evaluations. The new system will focus more on classroom observations and less on standardized test scores. It also provides for differentiated evaluation systems for teachers with different job responsibilities, such as special education teachers and school counselors.

Overall, the new contract is a significant win for New York City teachers and school staff. It recognizes their hard work and dedication to the education of New York City’s children, and provides them with the support and resources they need to continue their important work. The provisions related to pay and benefits, work-life balance, and teaching evaluations are all significant steps in the right direction, and will undoubtedly benefit both teachers and students alike.